


1.1. The present Conditions and Terms of Use regulate the access and use of the Website service provided by Altido Portugal, Unipessoal, Lda, a company with head office at Rua da Boavista, nº 78 1200-068, Lisboa, Portugal, which is registered and enrolled at the Conservatória do Registo Comercial de Lisboa, with the single registration and VAT number 50963792 and email [email protected], (hereinafter ALTIDO), makes the website available to internet users (hereinafter, the User or Users) through the domain and associated domains (hereinafter, the Website).

1.2. Access to the Website is conditioned to the prior reading and acceptance by any User of the terms, conditions, communications, warnings and legal notices contained herein. From the moment the Users enter and use the Site, they are accepting the Terms and Conditions of Use of ALTIDO. If any User does not agree with the content or part of the content of these Conditions and Terms of Use, they must leave the Website, and may not access it or use the services offered on it.

These Conditions and Terms of Use apply to all forms of access to the Website, including internet, mobile phone or any other device.

1.3. The User declares to be of legal age and to have sufficient legal capacity to be bound by the Conditions and Terms of Use. Likewise, he expressly accepts, without exception, that access to and use of the Website, its services and content will be his sole and exclusive responsibility.

1.4. The present Conditions and Terms of Use do not exclude the possibility that certain services or utilities offered through the Website are subject to special conditions of use, which the User may always consult before activating them.

1.5. Access to the Website is free and without charge and no prior subscription or registration is required to view it. However, some of the services and contents offered by ALTIDO or third parties through the same, may be subject to previous contracting of the service or product, as determined in the contracting conditions of ALTIDO or in the conditions of the said third party.

1.6. Any links to other websites and the use which the User may make of the same are subject to the present Conditions and Terms of Use as well as the specific conditions of said websites. Any use other than authorized is expressly prohibited.

1.7.ALTIDO reserves the right to make any changes or modifications to the website, its conditions and terms of use, without prior warning.


2.1. The User is obliged to make lawful use of the site and the services offered on it in accordance with the legislation in force, respecting the copyrights of ALTIDO and of any third party.

2.2. The User guarantees that the activities he carries out on the site will respect the law, morals, public order and good habits and he undertakes not to make them, in any way, offensive to ALTIDO or to any other person, other users of the site or third parties.

2.3. The User undertakes not to use the site and/or the services offered by ALTIDO in any way which may cause damage or alteration to the content of the site, not to hinder its functioning, not to cause technical problems, never to transfer elements carrying computer viruses, not to damage, interfere or intercept, totally or partially, the present site as well as not to intervene or alter the email of other Users.

2.4. The User guarantees that the data supplied to ALTIDO are true and correct. In case he/she has provided false or inexact data, ALTIDO reserves the right to forbid the access to this website.

2.5. The use which the Users may make of the data and/or information provided through the Website shall be at the User's risk.

2.6. The Users are responsible for the proper safekeeping and confidentiality of any password supplied to them byALTIDO and commit themselves not to give their use to third parties, nor allow their access to third parties. The User will be liable for the unlawful use of the services by any illegitimate third party who uses a password due to a non-diligent use or the loss of the password by the User.

2.7. The User is obliged to notify ALTIDO immediately of any fact which may lead to the misuse of passwords, such as loss or unauthorized access to immediately delete them. While these facts are not communicated, ALTIDO is exempt from any responsibility which may derive from the improper use of passwords by unauthorized third parties.


3.1.ALTIDO is obliged to provide the services offered on the website, guaranteeing the secrecy of the communications which may exist with the User and to answer any complaints which may arise.

3.2.ALTIDO has the right to suspend temporarily and without prior warning access to the website, as well as to reserve the right to provide or cancel the services, trying to inform the Users of this in advance, whenever circumstances allow it.

3.3.ALTIDO doesn’t guarantee the veracity, reliability, precision, opportunity or convenience of the information supplied to the Users by third parties.


4.1.ALTIDO has no obligation to control or supervise the use made by the Users of the website, its contents and services offered. Thus, ALTIDO doesn’t guarantee that the Users use the website, its contents and services offered in accordance with these Conditions and Terms of Use, nor that they do it in a diligent and prudent way. The ALTIDO isn’t obliged to verify or check the identity of the Users, nor the truthfulness, validity, completeness and/or authenticity of the data which the Users provide.

4.2. The User understands and accepts that the Website was created and developed in good faith by ALTIDO and that it is offered in its current state to the Users.

4.3.ALTIDO respects the Data Protection regulations and has personal data privacy systems which prevent access to them by third parties. ALTIDO has established all the technical and organizational security measures necessary to guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of the personal data provided by the User.

4.4. However, ALTIDO doesn’t control or guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the content of the website which may cause changes to the User's computer system (software and hardware) or to electronic documents and files stored in its computer system. ALTIDO disclaims any responsibility for damages and losses of any nature that may be due to the presence of virus in the contents, which may cause alterations in the computer system, electronic documents, files, etc.


5.1. The User is entirely responsible for the contents and information that he publishes on the Website (hereinafter, the Contents). Likewise, the User warrants that he has obtained the license and authorizations of all intellectual and industrial property rights of and over the Contents.

5.2. The User expressly guarantees that any Content which they use, or supply doesn’t infringe the exclusive rights of third parties of any nature, nor does it infringe the right to honor, intimacy or the self-image of persons or any third party. Thus, the User declares and guarantees that the Contents do not infringe the present Conditions and Terms of Use and that he is the only responsible, with full indemnity fromALTIDO, of any claim (judicial or extrajudicial) which may arise due to the use of the referred Contents.

5.3. The Users may not establish any link and/or connection to the Website from any other site without the previous and express consent of ALTIDO, unless the opposite is indicated on the site. Likewise, Users commit that none of the Contents may contain prohibited elements, such as viruses or spam, or links to the same.

5.4. If the Website contains links or connections to other sites not managed by ALTIDO declares that it doesn’t exercise any control over the sites and is not responsible nor liable for their contents. The links which the site may contain are offered solely as informative references without any kind of assessment of the content, services or products offered from these sites.

5.5. In no case, the links will be considered as recommendation, sponsorship, or distribution by ALTIDO of products, services or contents owned by third parties, offered by these or divulged, in any way, by these.

5.6.ALTIDO declines all responsibility concerning the services offered by the above mentioned third parties in relation to any complaints, of whatever nature, or claims which might be filed concerning them.


ALTIDO will permanently respect the Law No. 58/2019, of 8 August, hereinafter "LPDP" and the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, in “GDPR”) as well as the remaining regulations in force regarding the protection of personal data and the use of cookies. ALTIDO shall apply the necessary measures to endow the files containing data of the Users with the appropriate security level.

Users may extend all this information in the Privacy and Cookies Policy of ALTIDO.


7.1. All the rights over the content of the website belong to ALTIDO, except those of the companies with which it has signed a contract for the supply of contents and/or services which are protected by national and international regulations of intellectual and industrial property.

7.2. All the drawings, images, maps, graphics, trademarks, labels, distinctive signs or logos of ALTIDO, frames, banners, software and its several codes, source and object, among others, of the website are property of ALTIDO, which is the exclusive holder of their exploitation rights.

7.3. Logos or distinctive signs of other companies which may appear on the website during the navigation of the User are the property of each one of them, who legitimately have the exploitation rights on them and consent that they are aggregated to the website of ALTIDO.

7.4. The users cannot copy, modify, distribute, transmit, reproduce, publish, cede, sell the previously elements, nor create new products or services derived from the content and information of the ALTIDO’S website.

7.5. Users are only allowed to view and download the Website for personal and non-commercial use, without extending it to third parties, persons or entities.

7.6. The Users and third parties may notify ALTIDOof any infringement of its Conditions and Terms of Use through the [email protected] address. As soon as ALTIDO becomes aware of such infractions, it will make its best efforts so that the contents of the Website do not infringe the Law and/or are not pornographic, xenophobic, discriminatory, racist and do not promote violence.


8.1. The present Conditions and Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between ALTIDO and the User regarding the object of the present document and may only be modified by a written correction signed by an authorized person from ALTIDO or by the publication of a version revised by ALTIDO.

8.2. If any provision of these Conditions and Terms of Use is declared wholly or partially null and void or ineffective, this will only affect that provision or part of it which is null and void or ineffective, and the remaining Conditions and Terms of Use shall continue to apply, and such provision or part of it which is affected shall not be valid, unless it is essential to these Conditions and Terms of Use and affects them in full.


These conditions and Terms of Use as well as any relationship between the users and ALTIDO will be governed by Portuguese law. In case of conflict in the application or interpretation of these conditions and Terms of Use, the parties will submit to the Courts of Lisbon.

Last update 11 march, 2022